Topics covered
The importance of showing gratitude
Embed configuration
The importance of showing gratitude
When your readers ask you questions, you want to make sure to affirm their participation and also let them know what what you’re doing with those questions. Customizing the “thank you” response for your form to be more specific is a great way to accomplish these two things. Follow the steps below to format your embed's “thank you” response.
Embed configuration
Each embed has its own “thank you” response, so each one requires custom configuration. Head to the Forms tab in your Hearken EMS, then choose the form you would like to customize by clicking on its name or selecting the edit icon.
On that embed’s configuration page, scroll down Settings to the Customize text section to the field entitled Thank you text.
Thank you text
This is where you will enter the text (and HTML if you’d like) that comprises your “thank you” response. If you want to add simple text, just type it in the box and click Save. You'll then see the changes reflected in the page's preview section under After Submit.
The main things you’ll want to communicate to your audience in the “thank you” response are: appreciation (so they know their participation is valued) and information about what happens to their response (so they know what to expect next). You can also personalize the message, allow question-askers to post on social media, or add in further calls to action (CTA).
This is how the "thank you" response will appear to question-askers:
Social share language for Facebook and Twitter
This is the link that your askers will share when they click the Facebook or Twitter share buttons. They are prompted with a dialogue box from their social network with the link already populated.
You can fill in some language, and link back to your page.
The example below is what a user would see if they clicked the Facebook share button from the form. The link is already attached, and users are invited to add a custom message if they would like.
Social share text
This is the text that will automatically populate if your user chooses to share on Twitter. Users can modify or delete any and all of this pre-loaded message if they would like.
Example text entered into Social share text form:
How it looks when users click on the Twitter share button:
Further questions about the “thank you” response? Get in touch via Intercom or email: